

Into the Wild


Minggu, 14 Mei 2023

0 The game of life is all ilusion of mind

I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars. _Walt Whitman You want what other people have. A hundred years ago, no one wanted to have a lamborghini, no one had one, it didn't exist at the time. The point is that actually no one wants a lamborghini, people want the attention. What we want is decided by others or society. There is no free will whatsoever, there is only conditioned mind. You can work hard and have what you want, but you cannot want what you want. No animal wants a carier, newest fashion, or fame, only human tortures herself with such ridiculous desires. It's not even her own desire, it's the society she belongs to. What people want is love, attention, respect. Then society decides that it is money or consumerism or spiritualism, so be it. If one lives in society that value x and y, so the game is about x and y.

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