Minggu, 14 Mei 2023
0 Do it without trying
People go to work every day regardless their feelings, problems and wheather. They are so successful doing that action. It becomes norm, stronger than nature. The same people try to lose weight, try to be a writer, try to start a business, then they fail because they try. The subconscious mind knows whether one is serious or not. If it's serious, you don't try, you do it with all your might. You do exactly what you really want to do. When you waste your entire life on social media, television, procrastination, the cause is actually rooting in yourself. You always try, not sincere and serious about your own life. The mind is easily manipulated and so is the body.
I have seen a disable person doing heavy duty chores. She didn't try to do it, she must do it if whe wants to do anything at all. A baby crawls because she is serious about moving from one point to other point. If you really want to move, crawling is not a problem at all. The only reason you fail is because you don't really want to do it. You think you try, and when you fail, that's become the reason not to keep doing it. What seems easy and obvious becomes difficult because of self-sabotage. Procrastination is a problem of unseriousness. When your house is on fire, when you are about giving birth to a baby, you don't procrastinate. It's to be or not to be, there is no try. As long as you try, you will fail, as long as you be, you be.
Never try to do anything, just do it with all your seriousness and sincerety. There's no free will therefore mind is easily manipulated. Everything has caused, and the caused had another caused.
You can learn success from a baby. She speaks a language and walks naturally. She doesn't try. Success will come naturally if you just do it every day until the action becomes you.
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