Senin, 22 Mei 2023
0 Don't seize the day
Every morning I wake up not knowing what will happen that day. No matter what I have plan in mind, it's still a mistery. Life is difficult only when I don't accept reality as it is. And reality is merely fabricated by the mind itself. Nothing is outside of the mind.
People live their life doing work they think they must do. Life becomes dull, boring, difficult and stressful. They live in quiet desperation. They are trapped in a stright labirinth the whole life. Like a turkey, the end is always on the table. Such end will cancel out all happy memories that remained. Only by accepting reality as it is, life is OK no matter what happens. People will get sick, old and will lose everything they have. All beautiful things are temporary, they turn into ugly, useless, or even burden.
I don't envy any single soul or anything on earth because I know that everything is basically the same. I'm indifference to entertainments and any falshood. I believe that everything is determined, there's no free will. tout est déterminé as Spinoza said. All the body and mind sensations whether pain, pleasure, comfort, love, anger and so on are caused by something, the the caused is also caused by something else. Yesterday feels like a dream, I barely remember anything about it. Soon I will forget it totally. What I can't remember, it doesn't matter.
There was time when my life was so difficult, then it passed just like a dream. Good moments disappear even faster. A cheetah can run very fast, a turtle walk very slow, a bird can fly, a fish can swim, they would think that they do it all out of free will. They have no clue that their will is fabricated by their biology, consciousness, and environment. A tiger always wants to eat meat instead of grass. They crave sex at certain age to female of their own kind. Some animals seem so lazy, some seem so dilligent.
Human is not difference from other animals. Their behaviors are not independence and free from the causes and the environment. Human has more complicated brain and can rationalize everything, yet basically nothing different at all. I can't even tell my brain to stop thinking, or to think as I plan, I'm not the master of my own mind. So rather than busy chasing happiness, I'd rather accept reality as it is and OK with everything.
To live longer is just to suffer more. It doesn't really matter how long I can live, I won't do anything to prolong my life. It's like 2 hours movie is not better than 3 hours movie. If I die young or old, I will die content. It's just the nature of life. I'm not busy doing anything. I'm not unhappy or happy with my situation. I'm at peace.
I watch a lot of movies, read a lot of books, I can imagine the life of people. What they do all day and what they feel. And I don't think I want to be any of them or envy any of them. An eagle can soar in the sky looking down to spot a prey. Such life is full of adventure and beauty. A sloth can move very slowly and spend most of its time sleeping. Such life seems so boring and dull. Actually the sloth will always choose the sloth way of life.
“I think I could turn and live with animals, they are so placid and self-contain’d, I stand and look at them long and long. They do not sweat and whine about their condition, They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins, They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God, Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things, Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago, Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.”__ (Walt Whitman)
Human life is full of fear, regret, envy, greedy, worry and all kinds of negative emotions. They create stressful life for themseves, they create their own suffering. This suffering is ironically the way to be happy, to get better, stairway to heaven. It's a cruel optimism. This is exactly what happened in story Sastra Jendra Hayuningrat Pangruwating Diyu. Rahwana was born from Two most noble and wise people in their effort to save the world, to eradicate evil forever.
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