

Into the Wild


Senin, 09 Januari 2023

0 Emergency and Siren Song in Life

People only act upon emergency. When your house is on fire, you act immediately, everything else doesn't matter. People only act when cornered and there is no way out but acting. Yet there's no emergency to be a master, to be rich, to have great and strong body, so people simply do not act. People are procrastinators. They do not act, they react. People are waiting the time to pass only to do the same thing again the next day. They make excuses for not doing what they know necessary. People do not act if they don't see immediate consequences. Smart people know this and they anticipate what will happen. Ulysses knew he would be tempted by the Sirens, so he created a pact with his future self now we know this as Ulysses pact or Ulysses contract. The principle is to apply immediate consequences of an action. Sirens are everywhere in real life, it can be television, social media, smart phone, games, and so on. Most people are just doom and step to the jump to the ocean willingly. They will never escape from the matrix of this Sirens.

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