

Into the Wild


Selasa, 03 Januari 2023

0 Kant's View On Freedom And Duty

freedom is doing without inclination. If someone does something for the sake of getting reward or avoiding punishment, it's not freedom, it's inclination. Freedom should free from temptation, fear, worry, and so on. According to Kant, freedom only possible when you do the duty. Doing your duty is universal law. People are procrastinators because they think about wheter what they do will bear any consequence, whether it's pleasurable not painful, what other people think about it. Kant, different from others, views that all of that should be ignored, just do the duty, full stop, do not think about consequences. To do so is a true freedom. For most if not all people, the ultimate motivation of doing something is to get pleasure and to avoid pain. They think freedom is doing what they want. Children and drunkards always do what they want, but it's not freedom at all. Children are pleasure seeking while drungkards are under the influence of alcohol, they often regret their action or ashame after they are sober. They are manipulated by their ignorance. Kant perspective on freedom is anti-fragile, because not caring about consequences will make you become stronger over time and you will have more determination. It's sincere. Procrastination is the sign of insincerety and unseriousness. When someone decides to be a writer, for example, writing becomes his duty. He must write regardless all consequences. Most people give up on any mastery because they think to much about consequences. They are not focus on doing their duty. They are attacked by resistance like Sidha was attacked by Mara. Spinoza said, excellent is difficult and rare. I close this writing with a poem by Charles Bukowski. Roll the Dice by Charles Bukowski if you’re going to try, go all the way. otherwise, don’t even start. if you’re going to try, go all the way. this could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives, jobs and maybe your mind. go all the way. it could mean not eating for 3 or 4 days. it could mean freezing on a park bench. it could mean jail, it could mean derision, mockery, isolation. isolation is the gift, all the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. and you’ll do it despite rejection and the worst odds and it will be better than anything else you can imagine. if you’re going to try, go all the way. there is no other feeling like that. you will be alone with the gods and the nights will flame with fire. do it, do it, do it. do it. all the way all the way. you will ride life straight to perfect laughter, its the only good fight there is.

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