

Into the Wild


Rabu, 14 Juli 2021

0 It's just it

_15.7.2021_ Without judgment, no good nor bad, not success nor failure, it's just it. To be able to live at the present moment and make no judgment is the ideal condition of life. Most people suffer from their memory and their imagination. When people drink alcohol or having orgasm, that's their effort to free from their mind that always presenting them with stress and drama, the stories they create by themselves unconsciously. When I see animals in their wild life, never they looked so depressed or worried about anything nor even bored. They always have something to do with their life at the present moment. They are not bothered by their memories and imaginations. Now I try to apply this into my life, less judgment and love the fate, amor fati. Love is the absence of judgment. Just take it as it is genuinely. Sometime when I am tired of doing something that I believe important to do and about to give up, I try to tell myself, it's just it, take it easy, it's not suffering. Suffering and pleasure are the story I tell to myself. Being alone with myself I can easily describe it as painful or the opposite I can enjoy it and feel free. It depends merely on the story I tell myself. Having ugly face, for example can also be considered lucky because no one would treat you ingenuinely, people do not even bother to notice you. You feel free and unnoticeable. That depends on the story you created by yourself not by others. I can apply this to everything. To writing I can just sit and write to the finish line without judgment whether my writing is good or not, important or not, and so on. Just sit down, write until the finish line. It's very simple and powerful. So many people want to write something and fail miserably each time because of the judgment, the story and drama he created himself. And there is no end to the drama. I think it's good to just do it. People are lazy to study for example because it feels painful and boring, no it's not, it's just the story and drama they create. Other people create different stories and can do it successfully. They can even be happy doing hard work without much reward. The action itself is the reward. If even animals can live so easily and happily why would we humans live miserably. A spouse or family member maybe is annoying, too demanding, a friend maybe deceive and lie to us for their own profit, and so many other problems in daily life. Life is not as good as we expected. That's actually normal. It is as it is. We do not complain much when it's raining, or sunny, because we do not have particular expectation about how it should be. We just take it as it is. But in a relationship, we expect others to behave as we want, and it always ends up with disappointment. When I do exercise, I expect it to be tiresome and indeed it is, I'm not complain about it because I expect it. People are often disappointed by their own expectation and being unhappy about it. People have different characters. It's often difficult to deal with them. Some people complain all the time. They feel they are the victims of politic, society, rich people, and so on. I do not know why they create such story and make their life become difficult. If they can learn a little from animals, they will be happier. Even slaves actually suffer more from their own story than from reality. When I see a crazy man walking carelessly and laughing out loud happily, I realize that suffering is mostly self-story telling. Most people would compare themselves to others and identify and other people are more and better than them. That is the source of their suffering. Right now I got sick from covid 19. I will suffer if I dramatize this, but if I take it as it is, I do not judge it as bad or good, it's just it. Even if I die from this virus, I won't die suffer. I just take it easy. People may be afraid that they do not have proper respond if they are not panic. They do not do enough effort if they take it easy. Whether it's about their work, relationship, health and life as general. When an animal got accident or sick of any parasites in the wild life, they do not go to doctors, they just take it as it is. Humans are different, they have ability to consciously create the story. They can create a detail story with their specific languages. Yet most people choose to create bad stories. They live unhappy lives for nothing. This is why Socrates said that there is only one good, knowledge and there is only one bad, ignorance. Now I think it's better to always be positive. In the past to be too optimistic was dangerous because maybe a lion could eat us anytime, to be cautious all the time was the best strategy to survive. But today we live in different time and we have no predator anymore. The only enemy is our own negative thoughts. It's OK to think that if I do not work hard I won't be able to live prosperous life. The strategy is to work hard but do not take it too seriously if fail or success. Just do it and always be positive. It's not a dangerous situation to be positive all the time. When we trust others, people may deceive us, but it's not always the case. It's better to be happy from imagination than to suffer from imagination. To fail today doesn't mean to fail forever. It's actually failures over time that will make the journey to success getting closer and closer.

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