

Into the Wild


Jumat, 11 Juni 2021

0 Difficult is easy

12.6.2021 What difficult for ones is easy for others. This means that difficulty is subjective. Most difficult things are not difficult in itself. They are difficult because people think so. If very few people can do something, people regard this as difficult, if all people can do it, it's easy. So difficulty is measured by how many people can do it. Actually it depends on how often it is done. For example Chinese is regarded very difficult language to learn. But more than one billion people speak this language. It's easy and natural for them, but very hard for non native speakers. All skills are difficult at the beginning. Writing for example, only smart people become writers but it's because very few people even care to try. If they learn to write like they learn to speak their native language, writing will be natural for them. Anything that we do over and over and over again every day will become natural to us. There is no reason to say that one thing is more difficult than other thing. For one person swimming is difficult, for others driving is difficult, compare both is irrelevant, they are subjective. People want to be rich, smart, and fit. Is it difficult? It is as difficult as obese people who want to be skinny. It's about habit. If one belief that he can do it and really do it no matter what, nothing is as difficult as it seems. In my case, I want to have six packs for very long time, but I don't really do excercise to realize it everyday. It's hard to create new habit that last forever. If I really do excercise everyday for years, better for ever, It will be natural for me to have six packs. To be rich, I need to spend most of my time working on something important and useful. To be smart, read a book every day for years or forever. It's not as hard as what people think. it's just a matter of habit, not luck. Most people waste their time on tv and social media yet they hope to be rich, smart, fit, and so on. They are dreaming, it will never happen. The problem is what people do and say are often very difference. What I say, "I want to be rich" and yet what I do cancels out the statement. I often do the opposite of getting rich. This inconsistency happen all the time. I want to be a painter, but I don't paint every day, Actually I should paint all day long every day for the whole life. That's the right attitude. What I really do is the opposite, I never paint, not even once a month. it's self defeating behavior. Most people do this just like me, they say something and do different thing. The solution is Ulysses contract. We summon third party to give us penalty if we don't behave according to our own statement. For example, I want to be a painter, I must upload one painting every day on my instagram. I give the third party a thousand dollar and sign a contract, if I fail to upload one painting every day for one year the the money will be given to the third party. If I succeed to fulfill my contract, I get the money back. The most difficult thing in this world is self control. One is not ready yet to be his own master. He often defeated by pleasures, obstacles, laziness, doubt, and so on. Even recognizing the problem doesn't mean one can overcome it. A proverb mentions this, "To know but not to do is not yet to know." Spinoza said, "true power is understanding". Maybe I know but I still don't understand so I behave differently from what I know. I know that excercise in the morning every day is very important, but when the morning comes, I change my mind, "Maybe tomorrow," it says, or "Maybe later, in the afternoon", so be it. I miss one more excercise in the morning. It happens again and again and again. Self defeating behavior. It's because there is no immediate consequences whether I do it or don't do it. If I am a prisoner or a cadet, it's my schedule to run ten kilometers everyday and someone will punish me immediately for not doing so, I believe I will do it a hundred percent of the time. The result of good habit is in far future, afte five or ten years. People can't see that. They can only see the immediate discomfort of the behavior whether running every morning or writing every night, whatever it is. It's in human psychology to always seek for pleasure and avoid pain. That's why most people fail to live up their own expectation and dream to be rich, smart, and fit.

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