

Into the Wild


Kamis, 10 Juni 2021

0 Ignore the pain

-11.6.2021- Life is suffering. Every single person has his or her own suffering. The different between those who doesn't suffer is their ability to ignore the pain. This ability rooted in the understanding of life. The first notion that life is suffering gives me courage and power to face it. Most people will deny it and they have unrealistic expectation of life. They will definitely disappoint by their own expectation. One who kills oneself is the one who has great expectation in the beginning. Being naively optimistic and expect too much they live their life and later the world disappoint them, crushed their hopes into pieces, then they lose all hopes and can't live anymore. It's great if they can be optimistic forever no matter what happened. Those who can be optimistic forever are also those who truly pessimistic. They expect the worst to happen but it doesn't happen. They have mental anticipation. People think that being pessimist will make one becomes unhappy. When Budha said life is suffering, he was not being unhappy and losing all hopes. He prepared people for the truth that the nature of life involved suffering. Therefore when suffering comes, we see it as natural, almost expect it to happen. It won't destroy us badly, because we have prepared long before it happened. But if people believe that life is beautiful, than sooner or later he faces a lot of problems, the death of love ones, the illness, the natural disaster, and so many more evils happen in their life, It breaks their hope and they feel so miserable and suffer deeply. The solution to this is by become positive all the time and ignore the pain. Realize that life is suffering and yet live it happily everyday. Volunteer to suffer and practice suffering. Seneca often practiced to sleep on the hard floor and ete like poor people just to practice to be one, so one day if he really became poor, he has got used to it. We can also take it as example, practice to live as poor people, eat once a day, wear ugly old clothes, sleep on the floor, ignore what people said. Once we can master this, life becomes a lot easier. Nothing to worry about, not even suffering. If it really comes, we welcome the suffering, and say, "you are nothing special, you can't make me unhappy". We can also practice meditation and physical exercise every day. It embraces pain on the body. The same blow can destroy the weak but can't scratch the strong. So be strong as strong as possible. Power equals happiness. Work as hard as you can. Practice to suffer everyday willingly. See it as natural and it helps you to be even stronger and happier. People hate suffering because they do not understand that through suffering they can be stronger. The calm sea will not make skillful sailor. A great general is formed in the fierced wars. Therefore one should not avoid suffering and run away. He must practice it daily through work, as hard as possible and enjoy it, ignore the pain, keep going. I practice lifting dumble five thousand times every day. It was painful in the early days but then little by little it became easier. Now it becomes normal day without any pain at all. I get used to it. I know this process very well and I volunteer to pick my suffering and transform it into meaning. Now I practice to work as hard as possible. There are two kinds of suffering, suffering that destroys us and suffering that builds us. Suffering that destroys us normally comes from pleasure activity. It's the long term consequenses of pleasures. Eating too much junk food causes obessity, being lazy and busy on social media causing poverty in the future, and many more. Suffering that builds us is exercise everyday, it bulds our body and mind, reading habit, meditation, work hard as hard as we can, and so many more. My condition today is the consequences of my actions in the past. Now I realize this, I start to pick my own suffering willingly. It builds me, body and mind. I know I can get used to anything. As Spinoza said "power equals happiness" I must embrace the suffering that build my power now. I'll get used to it and becomes happy. I can see it everywhere. Those fat people are not as happy as those who exercise and have beautiful body. The pleasure of eating is momentary and forgotten easily leaving the fat, weak, and ugly body, while the pain of excercise is also momentary and forgottern easily leaving the strength and beautiful body. Most people choose the first because it's easier at the moment, I choose the later because I understand what Budha and Spinoza said. I'm ready to suffer happily today.

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