Senin, 31 Mei 2021
0 Small Daily Task
"A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules." Anthony Trollope
I woke up late this morning. I called my girlfriend last night for four hours. I am exciting because we are getting married soon. Life will change for good or for bad. Change is the nature of life. I change second by second without realizing what's happening. Normally I would wake up very early and then write anything. I'm a writer even if no one read my writing for now. It's ok, as long as I write, I am a writer. I should have done this daily routine long ago but I just didn't. Reading Atomic Habit by James Clear made me realize that everything is doable as long as I do it little by little every day. In the past, I would do it randomely based on my mood. Today I know that if it's important, I must do it every single day, little by little.
It makes sense. The biggest tree grows little by little. The first step is to decide what to do and then do it every day, little by little, and after the habit is there, work on it as hard as you can. Now I'm working on my youtube channel and writing articles every day. In 5 or 10 years, it will be very different. Most people do not have the patience to see the result. So most of them do not have long term goal that is done daily little by little.
I'm an English teacher and have been teaching for more than ten years. I know very well that most students who study English at school, by the time they graduate from high school, their English is still poor and they can't confidently say that "I can speak English". Twelve years studying for nothing. They do not do it daily and consistently. They study as little as possible and they don't take the responsibility of that task. It's not their personal agenda and studying is not important enough for them. It's pseudo study, their failing is not surprising at all, it's predictable.
I hope I realized this long ago. But now it's not too late. I started to work on my personal agenda every day, little by little continuously. I want to be a writer, i just need to write every single day. In ten years or maybe twenty years I will be a good writer and happy about it. Ask anyone what is their dream, most of them will have no direct answer. They have not decided yet and so they work for others in an office or company. No matter how much money they get from their company, they will spend them all. They are still unhappy because they sell their life time and labour.
Actually to build a habit is not so difficult. Just start from the habit that already established and attach the new habit to it. For example, wake up in the morning then write for a page or for 5 minutes. Anyone can do this. Just do it every single day no matter what. After several months, writing has become one of the established habit, it will be easy to do as easy as brushing teeth before sleep. Do not be a perfectionist, just do it, day in day out. Do not attach too much feeling and emotion to it. Feel free and ease. This is the key to build a new habit. It must start small and daily. The purpose is just to build a solid habit and nothing else, the result is the habit itself.
Daily Notes
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