"There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way itself. You get there when you realize that you are already there" (Budha).
Since you are looking for happiness, you are unhappy person. You are not satisfied with your life. When you see birds flying in the sky, you imagine how happy and free they are. Only if you can fly as they do, you think. But you have two legs you rarely use to walk. You stay in one place for too long time imagining the great adventure that you can do but you don't and never do. Your life is mindless repetition day in day out. You do all of that to impress others or at least to be like others.
"Money is the key to happiness" you think, so you must focus on earning as much as possible. You sacrifice your sleep, your daydream, your vacation, to earn more money. Success is gauged by how much money you can earn, so do love and respect of others. They admire, envy andbrespect you for that. You can buy everything if you have enough money. It's powerful and power equals happiness.
Yet, that's not the whole story. What people don't realize that it's also dangerous. It can turn good people become bad, nice people become mean. Very few people can handle so much power in their hands. It gives access to everything. Things become merely comodity and losing their real values. Do you think 10 thousands channels TV is better than 100 channels TV? Imagine you have unlimited access to everything, you will be either tired or crazy. But you can't lose them. You want even more. When people build giant budha statues, luxurious mosques and churches, actually they are building their own ego. Budha, Jesus, Muhammad, they lived simple lives and didn't give much value to material possession.
Ask people what they really want, soon you'll get the answer, "happiness". They pursue happiness because they are unhappy. Until they stop pursuing, they will remain unhappy. In one word, the cause or unhappiness is greed, in other word, ego. Budha's teaching emphasizes that " life is suffering, just lest go". Weird enough, we are ready to let go our happiness but we don't want let go our suffering. When people help you, it's easy to forget their help. When people wrong you, it's forever in your memory.
Think about this. What if your happiness cost is unhappiness of others. When you get more, others will get less. When you are powerful, others become powerless.
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