

Into the Wild


Senin, 29 Maret 2021

0 Consistency

The most difficult thing in this world is consistency. In "Shaw Shank Redemption", the main character digs a tunnel for 20 years for his freedom. For most people, they won't even try. If they try at all, the will give up in the middle. With consistency and persistence, drips of water can make a hole on a hard rock. This is the key of success if success means to reach the finish line. If we just walk slowly and never stop the whole life, we will reach very far distance. That is simple math. Now the question is "Why most people always inconsistence, self sabotage, give up too early, fail to reach finish line? Maybe they don't have enough reason to to keep going. Maybe they change their mind before they can finish the initial plan. Maybe the tempation to do something else which is easier and more pleasurable. There are million reasons to be inconsistence. It can be fear of failure, worry, desperate, resistance, and more. That's why most people fail. repetition is boring or tedious. It's the challenge and you will lose sooner or later. Consistency is always difficult because the nature of human emotions always change from time to time. When we start something new, the excitement is there. Soon after that, it disappears like the morning mist. Then giving up is the obvious option. We are not interested anymore. Something else appears and the whole cycle start again only to be broken in the middle. That's how we learn from our own history, that we learn nothing. There is no shortcut Most people want shortcut. This mindset is the exact opposite of consiatency. To be consistence is to be persistence against all odds.Those who want shortcut never learn from his own history or others. They think shortcut is a smart move. Ask truly succesful people, their answer is typical, "it's all hard work". The path to success is paved with failures but we must keep going or else the the failure is the end. If you really never give up and keep going, nothing can stop you from achieving the finish line. Hereis very important story. The story of Rabbit and Turtle competition. The Turtle moves very slowly, but he never stops and then wins the competition. On the other hand, the rabbit moves very fast but he ia distracted in the middle of the journey and then stop. He loses the competition. The winner in life has mindset like the Turtle, they have mental toughness to keep going no matter what it takes to finish the competition. Knowledge is not enough It's said that knowledge is power. It's true only if the knowledge is relevance and implemented. For example, I have read a lot of books and quite knowledgable on various subjects. Yet I often fail to take the action. If I start at all, I don't have the discipline to finish it, especially the long tern project that will last for years to complete. I learn several languages and I fail to keep going on some of them. I write a book but never finish one. I ask myself, where did I do wrong? Why with all wonderful strength and knowledge I still don't make it. I am fragile. I am not stubborn. I just give up when something easier appear on the way. The temptation to be comfortable is so strong. I know this will happen and keep happening. It's easier to say than to do. I should use different strategy, atomic habit, to do very little consistently. To target 1% or even less as long as I keep going and progressing, not to be discourage by invisible tiny improvement.

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