

Into the Wild


Sabtu, 27 Maret 2021

0 Time Worth Spending

 My time is just my life. I waste it more than anything else I have, mostly for seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. So what? Human is pleasure seeking. It's normal and it's actually the only good way to spend time. Those who work 15 hours a day seem to suffer themselves but actually they are seeking pleasure. Those who become monks and discipline themselves avoiding bodily sensations are not much different. They are seeking pleasure. Those who exercise and diet are also seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. 

From hedonistic  philosopher, Epicurus, I learn that pleasure is easy to get if we know how. He argues that good life is the life full of pleasure and less pain. Here his hirarchy of needs (or desires) how good life is easy to get. 

There are two kinds of needs, natural and unnatural (groundless based on bad arguments). Natural needs are divided into two categories; necessary and unnecessary. Natural necessary needs such as simple foods (necessary for living), simple clothes and shelter (necessary for comfort), friend, family or partner (necessary for happiness). We must focus only to this natural and necessary needs. Natural but unnecessary needs such as delicious foods, expensive clothes, fancy house, sex (sometimes, when it's troublesome). Unnatural needs are always unnecessary, such as fame, power, luxury, immortality. We must avoid them. So that's how good life is easy to get. Yet people are greedy and always unsatisfied with simple easy life. They struggle most of the time to attain unnatural needs. 

If I compare my own life to Epicurus hirarchy of needs, I have already attain everything necessary to be happy and satisfied. Instead, I always compare my life to everyone else, even to famous people and I feel that my life is nothing good and unsatisfactory. I'm greedy and envious. I'm suffer from lacking groundless unnecessary needs. 

Spinoza said, "Nature is satisfied with little, if she is, I'm also". Human is uncomparably the greediest and most cruel as well the most prosperous and yet at the same time the unhappiest creature. Most philosophers don't care about those groundless opinions of attaining fame, luxury, power, reputation. They are the happiest among people and live the simpler life. For them, time worth spending is to pursue wisdom, understanding of life.  

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