Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012
0 Time and Space Are Within You
Thinking about life is thinking about time and space dimension, that's all we have. We have such sense of time and space and they are personal. Therefore, each person experiences different sense of time and space. We normally measure time by concession that a year is 12 months, a month is 28-31 days, a day is 24 hours, an hour is 60 minutes, and a minute is 60 seconds. It's only a remark and do not has the one on one connection with the time itself. Therefore, different people can have and make different calender. Islamic has calender, Javanese has calender, Chinese has calender, with different measurement. In a year we celebrate many new years. So do with space. Each different people experiences different sense or space. A 36 house can be too narrow or to wide for different people. 20 miles can be near or far depend on the individual experience. They are relative to experience.
We all have enough time and space. When one says that he or she doesn't have enough time, it only means that s/he is lazy. when one says s/he doesn't have enough space, it means greedy. Now the question is not how to get more time or space, the question is how to fulfill it.
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