

Into the Wild


Jumat, 18 Juni 2021

0 Self-Defeating Lie

_19.6.2021_ We lie all the time, the purpose is to protect ourselves and others. It's normal. But there's a lie that doesn't protect anyone but destroys ourselves. I call this self-defeating lie, when we lie to ourselves that we cannot do this, we cannot do that. We don't even try to find the truth, we just make assumptions. When I believe that I don't have time and extra energy to exercise, it seems true but it's definitely not true. As long as I can walk and move around, I can exercise. If I am still breathing, it means I have time. No one in this world is so busy without free time at all. Even the president of United States has time to exercise, we all have. And people also do not pursue their dream, they don't believe in themselves that they can. What separate a predator from a prey is the belief. The belief will shape the behavior and it becomes the natural law aka fate. Self-limiting belief make one act accordingly. If a student aims at the 1st position in the class and truly belief it, it's just a matter of time and method to be one. If one beliefs he can earn certain amount of money, can buy something or go somewhere, he definitely can. See around and we can see a lot of example, so many extra ordinary people who did something unbelievable. A man with one leg who can climb the highest mountain, an old mother who can run a marathon, a writer who writes hundreds books, and many more. Yet still most people believe they can't speak another language, they can earn enough money, they can't exercise, they can't write books, they can't play instrument, they can't realize their dreams. They have given up before they try. They believe that it's impossible to accomplish the dream. They agree with their own lie. No one can see the future with one hundred percent certainty. When we apply to a higher position or to propose to high class woman, how do we know that the result is definite rejection? Even rejection is better than cowardice. Normal people do not dream big. They see themselves as small and aim small. When fail to get the small aim, they feel even smaller and stop trying. They are broken inside. They are eaten up by nothing. I refer to myself when try to exercise, my body can cooperate, now I can lift 4kg barbell 10000x in a day, I believe I can lift it 20000x next month. In the future I aim at 50000x every day. It's impossible for most people because they do not try. It needs warrior mindset to do big actions. Just read the world record and we'll know that they are just normal people like us, not aliens or monsters. We can also can break the world record at anything that we really want. Life is wonderful. A man can make decisions and always choosing. It matters a lot. The true power is understanding. There is no reason to give up and not to pursue our dream. We all have the time and energy to do it. If the dream is to become rich, which is true for all people, one should work as hard as possible. Working hard alone is not enough, one must do important thing with capable people. If he works hard to clean floor for other people, he will never be rich. He must work for himself and find the right partners or use leverage. I must be able to earn when he is sleeping, or else he'll never be rich. These advises are from Naval Ravikant. It's so true. Most people work nine to five and they won't be rich by doing so. It's better to build one's own business. If someone wants to be writer, just write every single day, do not care about anything else. The chance is in five to ten years, he will have become so good at writing and people will start recognizing his works. It needs time and lots of works but it’s worth it. It's risky and seems dangerous and yet it's the right decision to make. I've seen a lot of example around me. My own family and friends, my neighbors, their world are limited by their believes. It happens to me as well. For so long time, I believed that I couldn't do this and that, and I'm afraid of so many things. I was a coward. I didn't want to fail and avoided doing anything that can fail me. I did nothing. I wanted to be writer since long ago but I didn't write. I wanted to be a painter as well and I didn't paint and draw. I was terrified. Nothing can save me accept understanding. Therefore it's always good to read more. Knowledge is true power. Now I'm not afraid of any spirit or ghost because I have read a lot of books and become rational. The world becomes brighter and more enjoyable. When I feel powerless even to something can't be seen and perceived, there's no way I can feel free and happy. Now I can learn anything freely with light heart. I can pursue my dream and no one can stop me. I do exercise every day because I believe I have time and energy and I can do that. A lot of things in my life is up to me. Whether I do it or not, it's all within my power to choose. I'm not afraid of rejection anymore. I don't see myself as small and worthless. Now if I apply for a job, I will aim at the best one, the highest salary possible. In the past I will aim the lowest possible. I was afraid to change and learn new things. Thanks to the books and videos who help me to overcome my fear and doubt. I'm happier than before.

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