

Into the Wild


Jumat, 20 September 2019

0 Accepting Reality Through Meditation

Accepting Reality Through Meditation
(paying full attention to the present)

People don’t want to accept reality. They always want to experience different things other than reality. They run away from reality. It’s easy to do it today, just by staring at the screen so called smartphone. Smartphone has become the opium of society. What is so bad about reality that people don’t want to embrace it?
Reality is always right now and right here. People still do their routines but their minds wander to something else, to edited version of reality, to hyper-reality. They can’t focus and be satisfied with their reality anymore. They turn to social media, games, or music most of the time. Reality is boring, always boring for them. They can’t accept reality as it is. They are like drunkard people, their minds are constantly high and hectic. The minds are not quiet nor peaceful.
Paying attention vs. getting attention
Truly happy people pay attention to the present moment, to the reality, to people in front of them, to the activity they are doing at the moment. It’s always now and here. Such people will love meditation. They are fully present and alive. Most people are just walking zombies. They are not aware of their own minds. They are seeking for attentions. They don’t even know about their feeling—not to mention others—when they are doing things, always busy to get attention.
Since they always experience hyper-reality, in reality, they are unhappy. Reality is boring and tasteless. They always find things they dislike. They complain and feel unhappy most of the time without even realizing it. They need to run away from their own reality. They turn to constant entertainment. Actually, only unhappy people need entertainment. When the sun shines, they complain about the heat. When the rain falls, they complain about the wet and the cold. When they study, they complain about the materials or the teachers. They unconsciously compare the reality to the hyper-reality. So and so, they turn off the reality and turn on the ‘show’ on social media or any other platforms of entertainment in the net.
Happy people love reality. They love meditation that bring peaceful of mind in real life. Meditation is paying full attention to the present, to the life itself.  
   1.      Accepting reality as it is and paying full attention to the present.
A.      meditation                  B. zombie                            C. monkey mind
   2.      Always seeking entertainment, turn off the reality, turn on the hyper-reality show.
A.      happy mind                                B. unhappy mind              C. meditation
   3.      Happy people love this.
A.      paying attention       B. complain                         C. getting attention
   4.      Not paying attention is the sign of happiness.
A.      agree                            B. disagree                          C. no idea
   5.      People who love meditation are…
A.      unhappy                      B. paying attention          C. half zombie
   6.      Most people I know.
A.      meditate                     B. don’t meditate            C. evil
   7.      I love to be.
A.      peaceful                      B. chaos                               C. zombie
   8.      What makes me happy?
A.      smart phones            B. meditation                     C. famous
   9.      What I see in the net and social media.
A.      real                                 B. edited version of life C. never think about it  
10. If lives today,Buddha will love…
A.      being famous            B. meditation                     C. entertainments

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