

Into the Wild


Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

0 Time and Space Are Within You

Thinking about life is thinking about time and space dimension, that's all we have. We have such sense of time and space and they are personal. Therefore, each person experiences different sense of time and space. We normally measure time by concession that a year is 12 months, a month is 28-31 days, a day is 24 hours, an hour is 60 minutes, and a minute is 60 seconds. It's only a remark and do not has the one on one connection with the time itself. Therefore, different people can have and make different calender. Islamic has calender, Javanese has calender, Chinese has calender, with different measurement. In a year we celebrate many new years. So do with space. Each different people experiences different sense or space. A 36 house can be too narrow or to wide for different people. 20 miles can be near or far depend on the individual experience. They are relative to experience. We all have enough time and space. When one says that he or she doesn't have enough time, it only means that s/he is lazy. when one says s/he doesn't have enough space, it means greedy. Now the question is not how to get more time or space, the question is how to fulfill it.

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

0 Trust Your Hope Not Your Fear

It sounds easy to say it. And it is so sweet. But actually most people live with their fear. Mostly we fear about our status, what people would say about us. It's so demanding that all of us have to be success people. Unfortunately, we also do not have choice to define our own success. We live in meritocratic society where anyone who has energy and capacity can achieve anything. People call it American dream, if you work hard you will get what you want. If you have fire, no one can stop you, nothing can stop you. The problem is that we do not always get what we want, and it causing depression and feeling failure. About a century ago people believe that everything is fate from the God. We have sympathy to unfortunate person, but now we are in charge to take the responsibility of our life. If success people will admit it and if fail people will call us loser. The reason why we feel more miserable nowadays is that we are surrounded by snobs. Snobs are people who judge us based one on part of our life, mostly job snobbery. So, the iconic question of 21st Century is "what do you do". And people treat us based on our respond toward that question. These things make our life full of anxiety. Society will respect us based on our achievement. On the other side people feeling unhappy because of advertisement. Watching advertisement make people always miss something. Now, all people hope to be successful on every area of their life. Actually we cannot success on everything. There will always element of loss to get success. We have to sacrifice something to get success, maybe time and energy or even family. An on the end of the journey, many people still feel miserable because their success is not actually what they want. (this is my summary of Alain de Botton TED Speech "A Kinder, Gentler, Philosophy")

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

0 Facebook dan Pola Pikir Remaja

Setiap hari kita membaca status di facebook, yang ingin kita ketahui bukan apa kabar kawan A, apa yang terjadi dengan kawan B. Yang ingin kita tahu adalah siapa yang merespon status kita saat ini. Akhirnya toh kita membaca apa yang disuguhkan di depan kita. Banyak kawan yang sekedar berkeluh kesah, banyak juga yang senang mengupload foto-fotonya sendiri. Tampaknya semua orang ingin diperhatikan, ingin merasa special dan hebat, tetapi kenyataanya seperti sebutir pasir di pantai, tidak ada yang sama tapi juga mereka tidak benar-benar berbeda. Lihatlah bagaimana anak-anak SMA menggunakan nickname yang panjang dan susah dibaca hanya agar mendapat perhatian dari orang-orang lain. Status mereka selalu galau, sedih, marah, kebanyakan bicara tentang pacar, teman-temannya dan orang tua yang tidak pengertian. Ketidakmampuan untuk berpikir rasional mengantarkan kita pada situasi yang tidak rasional pula.

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