Senin, 10 Mei 2010
0 Pursuit of Nothingness
after Poe became a dragon warrior, after forrest gump married his dream-girl and succeed in his life, ater anna karenina threw herself toward moving train, after tylor durden shot his own mouth, after came the end of all dreams no matter what is it, after everything was valueless, after santiago got his treasure, after achilles killed hector, after jane eyre married her master, what's next???
is live just it? is that the happiness everyone pursue?
for xenophanes abandon happiness, for christopher mccandles abandon society, for tylor durden abandon norms, for nietsze abandon god, for gautama abandon pleasure, for gandhi, mother theresia, david thoreau,,,
for i abandon existence... but i never succeed.
Africans do not mind to drink any water, un-cooked water is like a honey, sweet and tasty, but we got ill immediately to drink such water. why are they so strong and tough? and love is difficult concept as well as happiness for them.
they are black, flat-nose, thick-lips, big teeth, skinny, curly, ugly, but they are live like any other human. they are animal-like in shape, somebody said that God is just and fair, they are just different. they feel the same feeling as we are, love, affection, jealous, angry, everything. they are stronger and fearless. they do not and will never fear of the sun beam, in some case they are free better than many people we know.
if you cry someday and curse this 'unfair' life, just remember them, or one of them. if you can't stop complaining because everything just goes wrong, remember them, or just one of them.
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