

Into the Wild


Selasa, 06 Juli 2021

0 It's always now

_7.7.2021_ Pleasure is always brief and short in duration. But time is relative. It doesn't matter, memory will not record the duration, it records the intensity. Two-weeks-vacation is not better than one-week-vacation in memory if someone does the same thing. Therefore, pleasure is always luring no matter whether it's short in duration or long. Pleasure and pain are the roots of human behavior. People seek for pleasure and nothing else. So pleasure is the end, not the mean. Even for one who denies pleasures, the end is for the greater pleasure and more lasting one. Those who eat junk foods aim at pleasure, those who exercise and eat healthy foods are also aim at pleasure. The different is that one pleasure is better than other. The better pleasure needs education and understanding to enjoy it. I want to have beautiful body shape, flat or even six packs belly muscles. To get this I must sacrifice a lot of pleasure of eating anything I want, anytime and as much as I want. To deny pleasure is the hardest thing in the world. But some people can get pleasure from this, denying pleasure. Spinoza said that power equals happiness. I am a vegetarian and I am happy refusing meat on the table, I feel powerful and proud of myself. The root of desires is suffering, when the suffering disappears, desires also disappears. Therefore the ultimate end of man is not pleasure but power. Merely pleasure is easy to fulfill such as foods, sex, and other body sensations. But those who aim at these won't be happy because it implies weakness and meaningless of existence. At this level, animal is better than human. They have stronger body, they have no sense of moral so they can have sex with hundreds difference females in one day. They have no mental worry and suffering, they can enjoy pleasure at the most. Pleasure is not equal happiness. It can be seen on people who do not control themselves from getting as much pleasure as possible. Eating too much is not only unhealthy but the consequences are many, ugly body shape, lethargic, uncomfortable, disease, and many more. Human body and mind get used to anything, with too much pleasure it will taste normal and this condition is called hedonic adaptation. Now is the time to live, to make a decision, to suffer or pain. Everything will pass, nothing last forever. Life itself is brief. Reality is illusory. People can be happy or unhappy with the same event. It depends merely on their power or understanding. Most people are ignorance and therefore unhappy. From my own experience, the cause of unhappiness is greed. I desire things that I do not need, I work hard for it, keep it, and never use it, later I just lose it no matter how. I even keep boxes and old books I will never read again. It's a complete useless. If I can be a minimalist, I will be happier. Throw away anything unnecessary, do nothing unnecessary, keep only what is essential do only what is truly importance. Today people suffer from wanting and having too much rather than having too little. No one dies from hunger, most die from obesity and the diseases related to eating too much and moving too little. It's the truth we realize but do not obey, we just give false promise to do good to ourselves. There is only one good, knowledge, one evil, ignorance. My ignorance is my enemy of happiness. To be minimalist is the best way to be happy nowadays. Work less, have less stuffs, live more freely, stay away from social media and junk information. To consume less and to keep less, more importantly to want less stuffs. People can work as hard as possible but not to sell themselves as a slave in order to have more stuffs. The best way to work as hard as possible is for oneself, to pursue the personal legend and to live life truly. Having more stuffs won't make people happier, it makes them even more miserable. It's very little to make a happy life. If one is not greedy, to be happy is just natural and easy. Personally I can work as a painter, teacher and writer at the same time. I will have a lot of time to do something else. But I do not pursue what I know will make me happy, I pursue what most people think will cause happiness, to get rich. People work for other to get easier life and more security. It is normal and natural for them. They can't imagine doing something else. They have buried their dreams long ago. It's always now, and now is very brief of time but forever. It soon turn into the past in a blink of an eye. Nothing can stop time from passing. If I really work for 15 hours a day to improve myself, I do not need to work for others. But I like teaching. I can work as a teacher and it doesn't feel as work, it's my passion. I love teaching but I want to have more flexible time. To teach in a regular school is to dedicate my time and energy to the rules that are created by others. I can't even take my time off as I wish. It's no difference from slavery at some sense. Doing so I won't be rich. It's better if I can create online learning videos or teach online. I'd love to teach as a hobby and have more free time. To work for others is to lose freedom that is necessary for happiness. Very few people are truly happy with their work because it's not really their work. They do others' work. They are just as a slave. It's always now. I'm always choosing what to do now.

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