

Into the Wild


Selasa, 22 Juni 2021

0 If I know

_23.6.2021_ No one knows the future. If it for sure that lifting barbell for 10million times will make my arm big and strong, now I won't be patient to do it every single second enthusiastically. The problem is that I do not know whether it works or not. There is no way I can see the future, what if I do this, what if I do that. I think ten thousand hours rule should be close to the truth. It makes sense and I should try this on my mandarin. It's just ten hours a day for three years. I wonder why I didn't do it before. Maybe because there is no sense of urgency. I can start very early every day and keep learning. I will make it. What I need to do is just doing the volume work, as much as possible. The quantity will turn into quality after enough time and repetition. To go to the top of the mountain, it needs certain amount of steps. If I know exactly how many steps it takes to get there, it will be easier for me to do it. It's measurable and therefore achievable. The problem is that people do not know for sure how long to get there to the top, will they make it or not. This uncertainty scares people and they do not take steps to get there. What if they fail? Most people struggle with their own negative thoughts. To be optimistic and certain are very difficult and rare. I think future is highly predictable, such as, if I read a book for ten hours I will finish it. With YouTube videos I can see how long it takes to finish watching the videos. It makes the process easier. It's certain and definite. Everything is also definite. What is needed is just to find the detail knowledge about it. If I keep writing this article, definitely I will reach one page sooner or later. If I stop writing now, it won't reach one page consisting of a thousand words. If I keep writing every day, in three years I will have written a thousand articles. I wonder if that time people will start to read some of my writings. Three years, it's not a long time. Eight hours is a long time if I use it for reading a book, I can finish a book. But I don't do it normally. I don't have that much energy and focus to do it. If I spend those eight hours to run, I can reach very long distance. I keep wasting my time for the reasons that I can't understand. If I know what exactly it takes to be successful, will I do it? Now my YouTube channel has reached a thousand subscribers. I thought it would stop after three hundred subscribers. I was wrong. It's growing slowly. If I keep uploading new videos every day, the next six months it will reach 2000 subscribers, in a year 4000. I do not know what will happen in the future, the best I can do is to keep uploading new videos every day. This is the principle of success, keep working as hard as possible on something important. Actually I know. I just do not do what I have already known. The best example is how to loss my body weight. What I need to do is just eat less. I swear I want to, really want to have flat belly or better six packs belly muscles. But each time I'm facing food, I lose my control to eat a little more, just a bit more. Yet when the time to exercise come, I procrastinate and sometimes just don't do it. If I do it, I do as little as possible. For a long time I wanted to try intermitten fasting. I never make it so far. When I feel hungry, I only want one thing and one thing alone, to eat. I forget about my long term goal, my promise to eat little less. When hungry I behave impulsively. I know how to be rich, smart, strong, and healthy. I guess all people know. This is not a rocket science. It's simple, just like meditation. What I need to do is just to focus and persistence. To ignore everything else but the goal. To bear the suffering willingly. Finally the timer will ring and one session is finished. It's a long term game. Until I come to realization that the work is the important part, not the result, so I must love the work more than the result, I won't be successful. Naval Ravikant said, "Be impatient with the work, be patient with the result". I must love the process not the result. When I climb a mountain, the whole point and meaning is the process of the climbing itself, not the fact that I am at the top of the mountain. If I get there by helicopter, it will be totally different feeling. Success indeed follows a simple principle. Everyone knows how to finish reading a book. But very few people are truly able to finish reading a book. It's so simple, no brainer. Everyone knows how to be skinnier. The problem is that they behave differently from what they know. Because to work on it, needs time and perseverance. The reward is not immediate. People want immediate reward and they get it from Facebook, YouTube, instagram, immediate reward all the time. They are addicted to immediate rewards and that's all. They eat the marshmallow immediately. I fall to the same pit as they do. I am just one of them, nothing special. Now I keep trying to always choose the delay gratification and avoid the immediate reward. I write this article daily with zero reader. In the future, next five or ten years the situation may be completely different. Who knows? No matter how this habit will end, I will write every day for ever.

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