

Into the Wild


Selasa, 15 Juni 2021

0 Getting Better Slowly

_16.6.2021_ Overtime people do not get better automatically, they get slightly worse. Those who get better are those who aim at it. Most people I know don't have better body shape compare to ten years ago. They are heavier, fatter, and weaker. This happened because they don't have plan with their body. They don't aim to make it better and better. Our body is the most concrete thing in the world and we carry it everywhere. I wonder why most people neglect their own body. If they have very expensive car, the definitely will take care of it with extra caution. But the body who has the highest value, they seem do have much care. The best way to get better is by doing better every day and inprove slowly. For the body; exercise, healthy foods, sleep well, drink water. We can improve exercise slowly over time. One can run one kilometer every day, and increace the distance over time. It will be easy to run ten kilometer every day If he keep improving every time. Last week I started lifting barbel 1000x and this week I can lift 5000x, next week I believe I can lift 10000x everyday. Improvement is not that difficult. It's the mindset that makes it hard. If one really aim at improvement and spend his entire time and energy to do it, it's just about time. Most people do not have patient to wait for the result, when they do not see it after awhile, they then give up. Especially today, people get used to instant gratification. Social media, youtube, and instagram give instant gratification and it makes people loss their patient. People do not read books anymore, it's too long and difficult. It's better to suffer a little everyday and then get big result in the end than get small result every day and get big loss in the end. Improvement need little suffering every day, working as hard as one can, and be patient with the result. The result is not unpredictable. It's the law of nature. If one plants trees, they will grow slowly to the tallest and biggest possible as long as they got what they need to grow. With the body, most people think it's not their doing. It's the fate from God and they can't do anything about it. Most people will never see their beautiful and strong body. It remains as a potential that never becomes reality. How come people give up their body for little pleasure everyday, for junkfood, sugar, cola, and fries? It seems absurd but it's collosal, even small people bended their knees to those small pleasures. Those small pleasures take their power bit by bit everyday. They are hooked and addicted. They think it's their free will to do it. They are manipulated by big companies and they don't care. It feeds their ego and release their stress of life. To get better slowly is to suffer little bit every day. Doing exercise and eating healthy foods. They are not actually suffering, but compare to eating whatever you can eat, and watching TV, They can be consider as little suffering every day. The habit gives people little power every day bit by bit. The suffering is lessen over time, then they need to put the bar higher, to add the difficulties. By doing so, they can improve their power. The cycle involves suffering and most people do not want to take the road. People just want to feed their ego, they do and have what they don't need at all. No one needs to eat dougnut, pizza, french fries. No one needs to get likes on social media. When people like their pictures on facebook, they don't really care about it. They just do it over boredom and they forget what they like after several seconds. I used to check my facebook hundreds times a day to check how many people like my pictures. And I scroll the endless stuffs there without any purpose at all, picture after picture, videos after videos. It's a rollercoaster of feeling, envy, jealous, wonder, angry, disgust and so on. It's a wonderland where everyone becomes different person, their edited version of life. They think they become celebrities and people care. Even to real celebs, people don't care. People get worse and worse in term of self control. Their self control has been rob by feeding ego algoritm most of the time. They spend 5 to 10 hours on social media. They loss the time and their critical thinking on things. They get the stage to orcherstrate their ego, if they are religious people, they pray, share sermons and speech, quotes, whatever there. If they are married, they share their kids and vacations, if they are single, they share their selfies and adventures there, They show their persona, they are successful, happy, social, religious, angelic, they have great personality. In short, it's perfect life. It's not more than big fat lie. Their real life sucks. They are unhappy and disappointed. They have no real power, therefore they need social validation. They live miserable life. I used to be one of them. I wasted my time and I didn't improve myself. Imagine I spend 5 hours to do anything useful like exercise, reading books, work on my novel or painting instead of checking social media feeds. Now I start writing every day and creating youtube videos. If I started this 5 years ago, it will be better. I lost ten years on social media. I regret this the most, wasting my youth and potential for nothing. Indeed I get friends and opportunities as well, but it can't be compared by the precious time that I spent mindlessly. Social media makes people get bored very easily. And it provides the answer; more entertainment and new stuffs every second. People experience constant feedback and have new experience. They can't stop scolling and can't stop coming back soon after they close the app. It's dangerous because it manipulates the brain in real time all the time. With less and less self control, people will behave more and more mindlessly.

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