Kamis, 03 Juni 2021
0 Deadly Comfort
Do what it difficult because it makes you stronger and better. People hate difficulties and failures. They try to avoid them all the time. It actually very useful and the real battle ground for human being. Without difficulties, there is no progress. We have to face it voluntarily to get better over time. As long as we know that it doesn't literally kill us, just go for it. The quality of individual depends on the difficulties he has overcome through his life. More is better.
Think about comfort, it is more dangerous than hardship. It kills the spirit and dan body at the same time. One becomes weak mentally and physically over time if he stays in his comfort zone all the time. Life is suffering and must be lived willingly. That's the way to be fully human and feel the meaning of life through struggle. When one stop fighting, he stop playing the game of life. It's a game over. It's actually possible to enjoy the whole game full of difficulties. Just keep going and be optimistic. That's how one plays game and how one should live his life.
The concrete example, look at someone who constantly exercises versus someone who is constantly on social media and at party eating and drinking. Look at someone who constantly work versus someone who constantly watching netflix. Ask them which one is happier and which one feel that life is meaningful and worth living. You will find that humans love challenges and even meaningful sufferings. Of course not all comfort is deadly, we all love to be comfortable and be happy and peaceful. Being with families and friends, go on vacation, and so on are among the meaningful comforts we aim at. The comfort that doesn't destroy us in the long run. If the comfort gives us immediate short term reward and causing long term serious consequences, just stay away from such comfort. Antisthenes said: "(such) pleasure is not only unnecessary but positive evil."
Daily Notes
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