

Into the Wild


Rabu, 21 Agustus 2019

0 A person can get used to anything

There was a study about happiness. They studied people who won lotteries and got accidents that lost their limbs, hands, legs or both. The study concluded that after a year, they have more or less the same happiness level as the previous year before "the big event" happened. People get used to anything. You can suddenly lose someone you really love or marry your high school sweetheart, and then you get used to it. Someone can put you in a jail and then you get used to it. Even when hollocaust happened, people inside the camp got used to it. No matter horrible and unimaginable it seems, people can adapt.
Knowing this, now you can add 1 hour exercise and 1 hour meditation to your daily routine. Soon you will get used to it. You can read 10 pages or even 100 pages everyday and you will get used to it as well. Most people spend their life on social media and tv, become fat, stupid, and sick, they get used to it.
You choose, to be or not to be. You think it is impossible to read 100pages everyday or to meditate several hours. But when suddently you got accident and have to stay in hospital for months, you din't say it's impossible. When one says impossible, s/he has decided not to try.

Note: "no matter you do it or you don't do it, you will regret both" according to Kierkegaard, prior Budha said "life is suffering", Spinoza believed that nothing brings happiness except understanding.
No one in this world is more fortunate than others. All suffers, all desires, all lacks. 

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