

Into the Wild


Rabu, 22 Mei 2019

0 Slow Progress

Slow progress Do not underestimate slow constant progress. You will never be able to see the progress of growing tree in your front yard. And yet it grows so tall over few years. You can not even see your kids grow so fast, You also Do not see your own aging. The progress is simply to slow to be noticed And yet it is so remarkably powerful. If you study a new language or a new skill, just make sure You make tiny constant progress. It will surprise you after two tree years how much you have changed. Read atomic habit, and start a new good habit, over years it will transform you. For example, If you just write one page everyday, you will finish writing a book in one year. This is amazing, but most people underestimate the tiny slow progress. Most people want instant gratification, instant result. They don't know that changed needs time. If you study mandarin and just memorize 2 words everyday, you will be able to master over 700 words a year. Most students Do not even recognize 100 hanzi after 4 years studying at school. They focus on the wrong thing, score. Score has nothing to do with skill. They waste their time. I waste my time on social media in the past. I spend hours everyday just too check who likes my post. If I used all the time learning a skill, I would have been the master of that particular skill. Now I realize that, I can't turn back time, But it's not too late. I learn mandarin by myself. I use pomodoro technique. I do 10 pomodoros everyday. I can't see the progress but I can feel it. After 2 or 3 years I will see. Maybe I need more time and it doesn't matter. I will make it. Even 4-5 years are nothing. Next 5 years, most people will skill busy on social media, no achievement whatsoever. They will say, "how come you can speak mandarin so fluently?". I am also planting sengon trees, in 5 years they will grow as tall as 15 meter and so it goes. Never underestimate the slow tiny constant progress.

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