

Into the Wild


Jumat, 26 April 2013

0 Important Issues

To know yourself is to know your world
Full is empty. To fulfill their life, many people work hard to get recognition from other people, and still it’s empty, always nothing. Every day, lots of people crowd the road to get what they think will fulfill their life, their time, their energy, and in the end of the day, they still feel empty. What is full for other people maybe it’s nothing for another one.
Reason to give up
We’ll find one no matter what, the reason to give up. If we keep going on whatever we pursue, we’ll get it no matter what, no matter how. But we give up just because it is stupid to keep pushing while we find no reason to do so. It’s hard to believe something we can’t see with our eyes and with our mind.
Conscience is the most important thing in this life. If we don’t have it, we don’t have anything. Without conscience, people are just machine that keep doing something to keep alive. When the energy has gone, it’s off.
Freewill and freedom
We have to believe that we have one. What we do and what others do are what happened in history, it hasn’t been designed before and no purpose. Life is random because every single human being has freewill and therefore freedom. Is there any choice how we react to events? How we react to the biggest law that we have to eat to survive, that we have to have sex to birth the next generation. Do we have choice at all? Or we just follow the rule.
In a justice world, good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people. What is the right thing to do? Justice is the life-time issue; can a man just to himself? To do what is right not because it is good, because it is just; it is the purpose of the existence.

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