Selasa, 06 Juni 2017
0 Pleasure Trap
Pleasure is bad for survival. Imagine a bird that finds a magic cage in which delicious foods are available the whole time, then she will stay and becomes fat and therefore loses her ability to fly and fight, loses her bravery to face the uncertain future. Imagine that magic cage can also provide warm, shelter and sexual pleasure. Then she names it home and suddenly the whole world shrinks into a small cage. She can argue that the purpose of life is to find the cage she can call home. What else she wants? She wants certainty in her life, but it's not enough that she certainly will die one day. She wants the certain tomorrow, familiar one, not alien one. And she gets it all from the magic cage. Definitely she adapts and believes her own lies, that the cage is all she wants. She just fears to find the meaningless in the pain and hard work. Everyone in her opinion has to settle down, sooner or later. No one is strong enough to wander uncertainly the whole life. So she criticizes those wanderers. She pretends to be happy (but eventually lies become truth because she believes it, like religion) and indeed she is happy. But deep inside she dreams the wild nights, the call of the wild, the uncertain mystery. She knows while she has lost her ability to fly, all at once she condemned all kind of savages and wild adventures. She is invalid, and the only excuse she has is to declare that she is happy. Very very happy ever after.