

Into the Wild


Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

Religious Pluralism and Destiny

The question about the nature of god is often close related with the question about self authenticity, and it belongs to the most ancient question that maybe occurred with the existence of human being itself. The question like who am I, why am I here, where I come from, where I will go after death, what is death, etc are the basic question every human being has deep in his or her mind. It is maybe as old as the existence of human itself. That's why the theory of origin by Charles Darwin had a great influence in human civilization and thinking dealing with the life they face.

Every born human being inherited a kind of natural curiosity about those questions. They wanted to reveal the mystery of the life, the rule of the world, and how to manage life properly. In the pursuing to the answers of those questions, then human dealing with religious concepts in which it is claimed that it comes from the God himself as the guidance to humans to get happiness for eternity or salvation. But the problem occurred here when there is not only one religion but many. Those religions claim that the truly God is belong to them, the salvation is belong to them, etc. then the truly problem occur when there are efforts to propagandize and influence people to join to the brotherhood of the religion and at the same time they claim that other religions are false and untrue.

The people who eager to find out the truth rather than just possession and wealthy in the world are called philosophers. From its terminology, philosopher means people who love wisdom or knowledge. To them the most important thing to find out in this world is the truth, and the great truth and the most ancient one is about the nature of god, human, nature, life and death. Such people do not much care about the possession and pleasure in the world. To them what many people try to pursue in this world such as power, wealthy or gold, sex, etc are all trivial and shallow things, mean unimportant. I suppose that Tolstoy is one of them.

A philosopher named Voltaire said that the happiness along the human life is no more than busied schedule (?). Another philosopher exclaims 'find out the truth no matter in heaven or in hell'. And Tolstoy through his short story ‘The Coffee House of Surat tried to teach people how to deal with religions disputes.

Philosophers questioned religion in various ways. In one of his literary work Gibran asked whether God creates men or the inverse. Other philosopher like Nietshze stated that God was die after he saw that Church had lost its hegemony in Europe, and Mark stated that Religion is an addict.

In Anna Karenina, Tolstoy present a character that pursue the truth named …(Kitty husband)

If we analyze the tendency of finding the truth (read= to find the abstract pleasure rather than physical one) we will come to the theory of human psychology of fulfilling their needed from Auguste Comte that divided the stage of human development into 3 stage. (More explanation about the theory). the higher the stage, human more concern with the abstract idea.

We can see the applicability of the theory in the real life where the more educated people tend to favor to the more abstract things. (More explanation and example)

Pacifism, Totalism, and the Idea That Everything Is One

The most basic point of view that determines the entire life of man is the idea of whether this life is predestined or not. The belief of external versus internal locus power influences the continuity of one life. (More explanation and example)

The connection with the religious pluralism is clear here that individual point of view is the base of the differences. For example one who believes that life is predestine wouldn’t care too much about other people faith, s/he would let people do what they like as long as it doesn’t disturb him.

In war and peace Tolstoy believe that everything is predestine.

"In historical events great men - so-called - are but labels serving to give a name to the event, and like labels they have the least possible connection with the event itself. Every action of theirs, that seems to them an act of their own free will, is in an historical sense not free at all, but in bondage to the whole course of previous history, and predestined from all eternity." (from War and Peace)

In the Coffee House of Surat he tried to emphasize the same idea by revealing the story about the inferiority of human knowledge toward the real untouched truth. He praise the knowledge and wisdom by using student of Confucius as the man who mediate and resolve the quarrel of men from different country and different religion. People quarrel because of their lack of knowledge about god and he believe that the god is one and acknowledge by different names by different people. (More explanation)

Tolstoy view is congruent with Gandhi’s. In the Gandhi sutra, Gandhi wrote that he had already learned many religions from Islam, Christian, protestant, and others and concluded that god is one but people acknowledge it in many ways. He argue that the most suitable religion for India people is Hindu, he argued that no one in India who dumb enough to consider a stone sculpture as a god. It is just a representative (visualization) of the god. He wrote that Hindus has three representatives of gods those are shiwa, wisnu and brahmana, just similar with Christian have trinity and Moslem has 100 names with different characters of the god. (More explanation)

Many people who believe that everything is predestined began to be a pacifist and believe that everything is one. That people do not have the right and capability to judge others since there is no different between west and east, truth and wrong, everything is nothing in the nothingness.

There are many things to be written. I have my view about many things different with others. But I am not to judge too, I want to understand. If I define something, it means that I am judging, but how not to do that. All the people do it. When I have my own opinion and I believe it is truth toward others, it means that I judge. I can't avoid it.

Facing this dilema, Tolstoy to be passive. He believed that life is predestined. But how the destiny works?

Why People Have Different Point of View

"What we see is not the reality objective of an object. Rather, it is an image that is created by 'the computer' in our brain so that we recognize it as a familiar object. (Julian Opie, a painter). Just similar with the case where painters will see one object differently and therefore produce or result different painting, people see thing in the quite similar way. So the subject here is brain or thinking. Here we come to the theory of thinking that close related to the theory relativity. (More explanation). and deconstruction in which the truth is not lying in the text but in the context.

(Example, schizophrenia, madness, and other, use psychological and psychoanalysis theory)

Brain manages everything from sick, strong, exhausted, etc. Where the ability derived from, e.g. A marathon can ran hundreds kilometers without exhausted while common people don't have the ability. What is perception role? Body is managed by brain, what manage brain? Etc.

Relativity; Dimension of time and space; when right now is really exist?

Philosophy of time...what is real and unreal?

As long as a man cannot free from the bending of time and place, I can say that her/his life is predestine? Why he born in certain time, certain year, certain place, certain circumstance in which it shape their perception toward everything later and finally influence her/his decision in this life? Have anything to do with them, or do they have any choices in such things? Or even their choices have already destined before he was born?

Actually the choices seem open to every single individual in her/his life and therefore the effects or consequences of the choices will different. It is true either. So in one side a man has choice and in other side a man has no choice. There are different areas here. 1st that certain thing are beyond human capability, for example, why he was born in certain situation, as a male or female, born form certain family (black, white, color), etc in which he has no choice at all. 2nd that he has free will and the consequences in natural law coverage. If he cut his finger, it bleeds, if he cut his throat, he die, etc. The conclusion is that a man cannot free from destiny. Every living being will die (A Quran). It is faith. From here on I see that Tolstoy view that the big things such as born, die, truth was predestine and therefore time is predestine. So the choices are vague. A man only have choices in trivial things that basically do not change anything. Let we take a true example whether a man really has choice or whether it was predestine. Here I will take example from a moeslem figure Umar bin Khattab. Is his change belong to destiny or his effort?

The considerations are many;

  1. He was live as a cruel people before he became the follower of Islam.
  2. Not every people who met Muhammad would like to follow him include his own uncles.

If we follow the previous premises that the destiny is stated as nature law therefore Umar should not change his believe. But here too I do not see that his effort that cause his change.

Can religious different be compromised? How?

Why religious different?

Menggunakan Tombol “Print Screen SysRq” Key board

Lihatlah tombol-tombol keyboard yang sedang kamu gunakan, di sana terdapat tombol “Print Screen SysRq” yang letaknya biasanya di samping tombol “scroll lock”. Fungsi tombol ini adalah untuk merekam gambar yang sedang aktif di desktop. Dengan menggunakan tombol ini kamu akan mudah membuat tutorial dengan mengambil gambar-gambar yang diperlukan.

Caranya tekan tombol tersebut ketika ingin menyimpan gambar desktop aktif yang sedang digunakan kemudian paste (Ctrl+ V) ke program Paint atau MS Word atau program apa saja yang kamu inginkan.

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini. Saya akan menyimpan gambar dektop ketika saya membuka foto-foto yang saya miliki.

  1. saya membuka foto
  2. saya tekan tombol “Print Screen SysRq”
  3. saya paste ke dokumen ini

berikut ini hasilnya

Jika dipaste ke paint akan tampak seperti berikut

Kemudian pilih save as maka gambar dapat disimpan dengan ekstensi bmp. Jpg. Dan sebagainya.

Membaca Ebook lewat Adobe Reader

Banyak yang tidak tahu kalau Adobe Reader menyediakan fasilitas membaca untuk file-file pdf. Namun yang dapat dibaca hanya terbatas pada teks-teks berbahasa Inggris saja. Berikut adalah langkah mudah menggunakan fasilitas tersebut:

  1. buka ebook dengan adobe reader 7 atau yang lebih baru
  2. tekan ctrl+L untuk layar penuh
  3. tekan ctrl+3 untuk teks penuh di layar
  4. tekan ctrl+shift+B untuk membaca, ctrl+shift+C untuk berhenti sesaat (pause), ctrl +shift+E untuk berhenti (stop)

untuk menggeser layar, gunakan tombol page down pada keyboard.

Default suara yang membaca teks tersebut adalah Sam, namun kamu bisa menambahkan pembaca lain dengan menginstal MS World 2003 setelah menginstal Adobe reader 7 bukan sebaliknya. Dengan menginstal MS World 2003 setelah menginstal Adobe reader 7, secara otomatis akan ditambahkan dua pembaca lain yaitu Michael dan Michelle.

Untuk mengatur siapa pembaca yang dipilih, kecepatan membaca, aksen, dll dapat diatur melalui menu bar edità preferences à reading. Untuk mengatur warna background dan teks adalah melalui edità prefernces à accessibility.

Manfaat dari fasilitas ini sangat besar bagi mereka yang ingin belajar bahasa Inggris karena dengan menyimak penutur asli mereka akan mengetahui pelafalan kata dengan tepat dan juga bisa melatih pelafalannya dengan menirukannya. Pengalaman membuktikan bahwa banyak orang yang belajar bahasa Inggris tidak berani berbicara karena takut salah pelafalan.

Selamat membaca!!!

A Reflection of My Life

This morning I feel not good as usual. I feel I lost my time again. Why does this happen to me over and over again, I do not know. I should be working--this sentence plunges into my mind and made me grieve even more. I feel good when I am writing about anything. Actually I like reading too and I am going to read 500 pages a day, doesn't that sound great? Not really. I never do that, do not even close to.

I look around and realize that Indonesian people spent their time in a lazy tone, me include. People do not do their best neither their good. All they do is daydreaming, lying on the bed, chatting on unimportant issues, and watching TV a lot.

I realized and hated all the deed above but still it seemed that there was something bended me with them, with this custom.

I know many people who work hard, I know some foreigners, I watched so many movies and know a little about life abroad, I read many books and learn people's mind and custom. I am a character reader at any respect. I am going to be an author, it's not suppose to be very hard, at least I can read and write. I speak Indonesian and English. I have a computer, a healthy body, a normal mind, so what the hell I am waiting for to write?

The fire!!! I need it very much!!! Mine!!!

And now the problem is how to catch a fire, I am cold, dying here with my own boredom. I need my fire right now right here. Like Han Christian Anderson’s story about a little girl who sold matches in the snowy street. She was chill and will die soon if she did not strike the matches to give her hope to life, to be happy.

And indeed death doesn't matter, like what I have heard somewhere that do not be afraid of death, be afraid of never life. Am I alive?

I do not know exactly. I sleep too much. I am hungry all the time. I am angry too. Is it not a prove that I am alive? But what kind of life I have? A pathetic one.

I adore those who work hard and never give up after they know that what they do will not drive them anywhere. I am going to be one of them, absolutely.

The living in my village is like a movie, or a book. They work hard everyday and close each other and spend many times to gather with the family, chatting on every issue. They all are typical just as well the living in the town. People are typical. I saw them like I watch a movie and I am not involve in it, I don't want to. Like a dream we will forget this life just after it is over. No one is so special since everyone is special in their own way. People forget their lad easily. The only thing they remember is their own. I can't do anything about them; it's nothing to do with me. I prefer to leave them alone with their life. Maybe I am not alive at all, who cares. They do not care whether I do good or do bad. I am like any other outsiders like any other things to them, merely a shadow.

Intruder comes! Enough to postpone my job or anything I do.

I am afraid that what I do is nothing, merely a dream, merely a memory in my next deed. I am a prisoner of time. I am stag here and the time move uninterruptedly, fast, and steady. I can't imagine it how the end will be. I like what has Derrida said; go there you cannot go, to the impossible; it is indeed the only way of coming and going.

Life is about making decisions. But we do not free about our choices!!! I imagine I can do what I want to do, it is all about choice and chance and many other requirements. However at least I am glad to master in English and understand many things-at least in my belief. Because this is not an objective world therefore we are too not objective objects. We are what we believe we are, aren't we? The consequence is simple, that is to say something true is not appropriate, but it is seem true, to say one is beautiful is not appropriate, but she is looked beautiful, etc.

It's hard to imagine that we are dreaming at this time. Everyone have their own cage, or I can say a frontier whether it is true or merely their imagination. I tend to believe that everything is depending on my own mind. The frontiers of mine are in my mind.

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We are the people who love the mountains, any kind of mountains...and the most beautiful and the only thing to do is...